Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mercedes Helnwein and a coffee-filled blogger.

New life, new rhythm.

I am sure that this blog will have to become one of those two or three posts a week kind of places, because (no matter how much caffeine I pump into my body) I am yet to get accustomed to being out and about all day and writing at night. Plus, now, about 95% of all my friends live in a different city, so, when I do get to turning on the computer, most of my writing is done in the form of chatting and Facebook commenting (yeah, I know, really crummy priorities).

Anyway, I am here now, you have my full attention. Well, actually not you, but rather, the work of Mercedes Helnwein. With links and luck I was able to find her web page, and now, I want to have her talent. I am truly in love; her pieces are so funny and unconventional and I want most of them hanging on my walls.

Mercedes Helnwein is a talented (and beautiful) fine artist and writer, that was born in Austria and now lives in Ireland and Los Angeles. I refuse to make an educated post about her written work because, well, I just can’t find it quickly enough (living in Mexico, sometimes means that, one must go without the words of many creative authors, simply because there are no efficient ways of getting your hands on them; “them” meaning their work not the authors), but if you allow me I will do a little review on her drawings, here goes: They are crazy amazing! And you must have a look at them!

(There! this blog is going down the drain)

Love is a Dog from Hell

 Toy Bear

Jeff (Pride)
 Wilma (Envy)

Are they not incredible?! I just adore them, she stole my little Mexican heart. 
You must (MUST!) have a look at her work gallery on her official web page (here), because there are so many other drawings that you will probably love.
If you want more links of her work you can visit her DeviantART page (here) and her MySpace page (here)

Tropical Penguin


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