Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mercedes saves the day!

In my last post I mentioned that Mr. P said if the girls didn't lay before Saturday, then they were for the pot.

Well on that very day of my last posting, I got my first egg. A teeny, tiny perfect little egg.

That's a 10p next to it, so you can see just how tiny it is.

I knew something was up, as Margery and Millicent kept going in and out of the henhouse and Mercedes was nowhere to be seen. This is the first time I've seen the girls use the henhouse during the day, even in the pouring rain they don't go inside. I sat watching them and waited for Mercedes to emerge and then went tearing up the garden and there it was, in all it's teeny wonderfulness.

In my case it certainly was a case of 'tiny things please tiny minds'. I was so excited.

Thursday saw another, just as perfect as the first, but ever so slightly bigger.

So Thursday's lunch

Mr. P enquired as to why I didn't have boiled eggs as he knows that they are my favourites. My response being, that I didn't know how long to boil them for as I don't like snotty or hard eggs and I didn't want my first eggs to be ruined. Mr. P always having a witty reply - "well given their very smallness, you could of just run them under the hot tap"!

So, including today, Mercedes has now given me 7 eggs and I feel the same excitement every time I see an egg waiting for me. Each day they get bigger, so boiled eggs are on the lunch menu today.

Well done Mercedes. Millicent and Margery best hurry up before Mr. P starts to get on their case.

Jak x


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